
Your Mortgage Online

Your Mortgage Online is a widely used iOS/Android application that gives homeowners the ability to easily manage their mortgages. Users can make payments - they can manage escrow accounts, taxes, and insurance - they can contact customer support - and much more. I was an integral part of the team that built the app from the ground up.

Tools used:

  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Redux Saga, Immer, Reselect
  • Node
  • Koa
  • Styled Components

Victory Templates

Victory Templates is a project I created as a resource for the devs on my team (and for myself!). We needed to recreate a legacy application that implemented various interactive charts. We decided to make use of Formidable's React chart component library Victory. I was asked to research the library and put together a repo we could reference as we built out the app. (desktop only)

Tools used:

  • React
  • Victory
  • Material UI
  • Styled Components

This Site!

Tools used:

  • Svelte
  • SvelteKit
  • TypeScript


Hi! I'm Billy.

I'm a frontend developer with a passion for graphic design and quality UX. I strive to bridge the gap between people and technology by creating intuitive, aesthetic interfaces. I'm well versed in JavaScript and love working with React and Svelte. I'm experienced with Wordpress and PHP as well. I'm always on the lookout for new tech and the problems it can help solve!

download cv


If you're reading this that means I'm still on the hunt for a job! If you or someone you know is looking for a solid developer with a great sense for UI/UX, please don't hesitate to reach out!